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Sunday, November 16, 2008

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No, this isn't a lisp, it is the micro-blog world of Twitter. HelpSaveMaine will now post updates on Twitter you can follow when interesting things pop up. Please take the opportunity to follow us on Twitter ( check back often to see more indepth content right here on

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Sunday, November 2, 2008

How we're voting in 2008

These are the positions of HelpSaveMaine in the 2008 election.

On the question of raising Dirigo Health Care Program funding by taxing beverages and charging insurance companies a fee on paid claims we reject this referendum as being non-competitive and just one more tax added to an ever growing list of taxes in Maine

On the question of allowing a casino in Oxford, ME - we heartily reject this idea. Maine cannot gamble its way out of its problems. We feel that this type of enterprise preys on the portion of the society that it most unable to afford this and continues to fuel the resignation that Maine can support their entire economy on tourism and recreation industries. Furthermore, it is the position of Help Save Maine that gaming industries have a net negative impact on developing and providing the business climate for attracting substantial, sustainable, and credible corporations to the state. What happens in Vegas should stay in Vegas. That is not what Maine is all about.

On the question of improving wastewater treatment programs through the building of new facilities we also reject this spending. Maine already has some of the best water qualities in the nation and this expenditure is, at this time, frivilous and politically motivated.

All of the other local referendum and political office choices will not be discussed here on this forum but in general we support rejecting referenda that will increase taxes and further decrease the attraction of new business to Maine. We MUST get spending under control even if that means that not every need is met. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Just how bad are things?

The conventional wisdom is that we are increasingly taxed to support out-of-control public spending. Much of this spending is spread across the future (borrowed with interest) rather than paid for with funds that have been accumulated and invested for a specific purpose and then applied to that end. State income (and this is true in other states than just Maine) is gathered into the "General Fund" where it is blended together and then dealt out. This combining of funds adds to the anonymity of purpose and increases the sense that the funds are for the use of all equally. The side-effect of this is that when setting priorities, it is difficult to establish a weighting factor.

Once monies go into the general fund, they are assumed by the government that they are there to be spent. Legislature and budget committee's figure out ways that the money can be used, "because it is there."Over time, the list of programs that get funding grow to the point where entitlements are born and must be sustained. After even more time, no one can remember what it was like to get by without them.

The answer to setting and resetting priorities is to look at spending and budgeting laid over previous generations and then evaluate if these programs are still needed. The programs should have to meet certain conditions to retain their funding. Some people might have to make personal sacrifices to meet the moral imperative that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.

The estimated 2009 budget for the State of Maine is $3.1 billion for a population of 1.3 million people. I think it is time to ask if we are getting the value for what we are spending and if we are, then why is everyone complaining about high taxes?

Friday, October 24, 2008

Help Save Maine - Official Launch

Scarborough, ME - appeared on the internet today with the official launch of the website. Over the next few weeks and months we will be building out this information site to develop a critical mass that can then be used to market Maine as a place where business can be successful and to also raise the awareness of potential strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in the Maine business economy. Stay tuned to this blogsite and the main website at

Help Save Maine accepts all contributions to our cause in the form of research and links to relevant information sites. We welcome your interest and look forward to hearing back from you with interesting content.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Welcome to Help Save Maine


Welcome to Help Save Maine. This blog's purpose is to post and discuss information about doing business in Maine with the hope that it will provide a compelling reason for companies to locate their businesses here.

Please watch this space for topics of interest and feel free to add your own comments and information where relevant.

Thanks for stopping by.